Where: American Indian Studies Program conference room (3rd floor of Ingraham Hall)
When: 12:00-1:00pm, Feb. 8, 2012
Members attending: Kelly, Troy, Jessica, Travis, Peter, Prairie, Dorothy, Dana, Robin, Jake
Thank you to all who attended and thanks again to Robin and Dorothy for helping to arrange our latest meeting at the American Indian Studies Program – it was fun to see the AIS Library! We had a productive meeting. Here are some of the major things we discussed:
Review of the TLAM Student Group’s constitution and bylaws. (Background: When the group was registered last semester Fall 2011, we created a bare-bones constitution for the purpose of getting the group registered and on the books quickly, with the idea that members would review and build it up the next semester. This is intended to be an annual practice.) We decided to expand Section VI “Yearly Goals” to codify some of our expectations of what the group will try to accomplish each semester and year. Things to include:
- Make meaningful contribution to the progress of service-learning projects each semester
- Build and sustain active relationships with TLAM partners
- Regularly update and maintain TLAM website on our activities, sustain overall web presence
- Network and/or contribute to professional organizations relevant to our work (e.g. AILA, ATALM, ALA Office of Diversity, JCLC, etc.)
- Outreach to and engagement with SLIS students on TLAM activities
The TLAM Student Group will agree on a revised constitution at the next meeting. Kelly will be sending an updated draft for review next week. The current draft may be found at TLAM’s UW student org page.
Goals for the Spring 2012. We have a lot of ideas, but here are some things that we think can be reasonably accomplished this term:
- Group members will begin looking into funding sources for TLAM activities, and compile a list for future reference. Update at next meeting.
- A TLAM poster proposal for the OLOS Diversity Fair at the 2012 ALA Conference on June 26. Kelly is looking for some TLAMers to join her in this effort and will send out an announcement soon.
- Sponsor documentary on Native American boarding schools as part of the SLIS Diversity movie series (Dawn).
- Jessica is considering an info-session on the A.J. Kingsbury photo project later in the semester – many details still TBD.
- Open dialogue with SLIS curriculum committee on the possibility of adding TLAM as a recommended.
- Continue developing TLAM web presence – groups contribute information on projects to new TLAM website; more blog posts on TLAM activities will be coming soon; and TLAM will soon be on Twitter!
Right now the next meeting date and time is TBD, but we’re open to suggestions.
I’d like to suggest continuing to meet at the AIS Office and Library at Ingraham. I’m not sure how everyone feels about the hike up the Hill, but there’s a great meeting room, a microwave for lunches, and an excellent library right down the hall!