A preview of the PBS American Experience “We Shall Remain” series was shown Tuesday, March 31, at the Wisconsin Historical Society. Episode 5, “Wounded Knee,” which will be broadcast May 11, was shown. The plan was to show most but not all of it. As Patty Loew began the discussion, however, audience members wanted to know more about the outcome of the events at Pine Ridge Reservation 1973. A gentleman who was at Wounded Knee was in the audience, and he was able to answer questions. Patty also decided to take a vote, and the audience voted to see the entire episode. Afterward, audience members discussed the events of Wounded Knee and spoke of their own experiences of boarding schools (also addressed in this episode). I wish I had a transcript of the remarks. They were quite moving. If there are more opportunities to watch these episodes in a group setting, I urge class members and others to do so.
For more on the series: www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/weshallremain
Wednesday night assistant professor of art Tom Jones and College Library outreach librarian Janice Rice joined author Steven Hoelscher at the Chazen Museum for a panel discussion following Hoelscher’s lecture on his book “Picturing Indians.” Tom has photos included in the book, and Janice assisted with the book.
The two events were reminders of the connections this class has enabled.