From the Heart: Dee Gokee-Rindal invites Louise Robbins up to speak. As their words and gestures testified, the two developed a close relationship over the years that has helped SLIS and Red Cliff come together to support the library project and enrich the lives of everyone involved.

From the Heart: Dee Gokee-Rindal invites Louise Robbins up to speak. As their words and gestures testified, the two developed a close relationship over the years that has helped SLIS and Red Cliff come together to support the library project and enrich the lives of everyone involved.

Do I Have That Straight?: Sam Link (center) positions a poster as (from left) Brenna Degan, Cassy Keyport, and Carmella Hatch offer feedback.

The Big Reveal: Carmella Hatch (right) presents DIBAJIMODAA — “Let’s Tell Stories” — posters featuring Red Cliff community members to tribal chair Rose Soulier (center) and TLAM mentor Louise Robbins (left).

We stopped at Copper Falls on the way home. Here's Louise on the trail. We also stopped at Little Finland and toured an old sauna!

...leading to us organizing these in groups, prioritizing our ideas, and making plans for the future!

Willie Johnson, second from right, said during the class, “If you rely on the community to assist you, you will always be successful.”

Splitting up by institution type meant packed tables and roaring conversations during our morning talks. This allowed for topics and questions specific to libraries, museums, and archives to be asked and answered peer to peer.

Janice, Omar, and Emily (a different Emily than this blog post writer!) the evening Omar was the TLAM "guest lecturer" on tribal archives

What a great meeting! Our group (from left to right): Brenna, Dee, Cassy, Erin, Rose, Jennifer, Louise, Jake, Carmen, Robin

The Oneida Film Preservation Project from TLAM 2013
Nathan works with film while Prairie and Leslie look on

The Ho-Chunk Learning Center is another community site.
Dylan and Phillip sorting books at Ho-Chunk Learning Center

One of our community projects: working with Red Cliff tribal members to conduct video interviews
Eleanor interviews Dee and Shelley for the capital campaign promotional videos

The attendees of the fifth Convening Culture Keepers at Oneida, Wisconsin
The attendees of the fifth Convening Culture Keepers at Oneida, Wisconsin

The conference planner, host, and speakers pose for a picture: Omar Poler, Shannon Martin, Rita Lara, Debbie Reese, Janice Kowemy, and Mary Olson

Culture Keepers, members of SLIS, and Longhouse singers and dancers at the social dance Thursday night